How to turn up fuel pump on 12 valve cummins
To adjust the fuel delivery on a 12-valve Cummins, you have a couple of options depending on the type of injection pump:
VE Pump (1989-1993):
Locate the round cover on top of the injection pump.
Remove the cover to access the torx screw and lock nut.
Turn the torx screw clockwise to increase fuel delivery. Be cautious not to cause runaway.
Adjust the smoke screw (if desired) for more smoke without runaway1.
P7100 P-Pump (1994-1998):
Remove the AFC housing.
Modify the fuel plate by sliding it forward or using a cut one.
Adjust the governor lever to contact the fuel plate.
Crank the star wheel toward the motor.
Slide the AFC housing all the way forward2.
Remember, always make adjustments carefully and monitor engine performance to avoid damaging components or causing unsafe conditions!